Sama Ndango, the Entertainer, popularly known as Mr Fix-It brings an explosive blend of music, comedy and high energy performance to the stage.
He was a Member of the prestigious Beffta Awards( ) in London and also won as best Presenter.
His “FixIT” concept is all about empowering people to believe in and express themselves and he proposes a stylish blend of high-quality music, comedy, and trendy fashion that is meant to uplift fans.
Sama Ndango was born in Bamenda, Cameroon, did his studies in Sacred Heart College Mankon, and has a Masters in ICT from the University of Dortmund in Germany, as well as a Diploma in Life Coaching. He has been through a challenging life both at home and from an extensive stay in Europe and by being a survivor of tremendously challenging experiences and circumstances, he enhanced his knowledge, developed his gifts and fashioned his entire mission and as an artist, producer, Life coach and motivator and now has a vision to entertain 6 Billion people in his lifetime with his message of self-peace, positivism and people empowerment, should God permit.
As an artist and showman, Sama Ndango and his FixIT act is known to rock a crowd non-stop with an eclectic blend of entertainment styles that keeps the crowd positively uplifted and ultimately super-satisfied.